Featured in Echofluxx 16 International Film Festival

Video Premiere of "Mediums" will be featured in the Echofluxx 16 International Film Festival. Echofluxx is an annual festival of new media, art and music, presents a free spectrum of experimental art. Echofluxx 16 International Film Festival features works by Michael Crosswell, David Bird, William A. Brown, Joao Pedro Oliviera, Maxime Corbel-Perron, Maggi Payne, Mike Vernusky and Daniel Muldanado, Eric Souther, Panayiotis Kokoras, Christopher Coleman and Jamsen Law, Don Burton, and Paolo Germiniani. 


Winner of Nouveau Classical Project's 2016 International Call for Scores and Commissioning Project


Featured on Yarn​/​Wire​/​Currents Vol. 3