Premiere of Music Theatre Work "Lonelyhearts"

On April 21st, TAK ensemble premiered my first-ever music theatre work "Lonelyhearts", developed in close collaboration with actor and playwright Kelsey Torstveit. The evening also featured works by Aaron Einbond and Alec Hall. The three works were directed by Joshua William Gelb and featured lighting design by Marika Kent.

"Lonelyhearts", the work follows a single character as they navigate a desolate apartment and the mysteries that hide within it. With nods to Lynch and Hitchcock, commonplace sounds take on a dramatic significance, as creaking floorboards, dripping faucets, and the electric hum of appliances, are amplified and orchestrated out to members of the TAK Ensemble. In "Lonely Hearts", members of TAK surround the solo performer and the audience, this feature and the staging of the work more broadly aim to construct an 'architectural antagonism' with which the character is forced to contend with and confront. In doing so, the character goes through a dramatic transformation. Do they find their true self in this space? or does the space transform them?


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